El colapso en el sistema migratorio estadounidense es una realidad que afecta a una cantidad significativa de personas.
Además de el tiempo que puede tomar un proceso migratorio en sí, las aplicaciones a permisos de trabajo también están retrasadas, lo cual ha dejado a varios ciudadanos sin licencias de conducir y sin la posibilidad de laborar legalmente.
Ante esta realidad, un grupo de venezolanos le ha envíado una carta al congresista demócrata por el Distrito 9 de Florida, Darren Soto, para que trate de conseguir una solución ante esta problemática.
Entre otras cosas, las decenas de firmantes le recuerdan al cognresista que hay personas quedándose sin trabajo debido a las trabas del propio sistema y enfatizan que estas organizaciones representan a venezolanos en varios estados del país.
La petición le exige a Soto ser la voz de este grupo de afectados ante las autoridades y no permitir que esta situación se siga prolongando.
A continuación, la carta original (inglés)
Darren Soto
Florida District 09
US Congress
Washington DC
Hon. Representative Soto
We are writing to you in reference to a critical situation currently undergoing within the Venezuelan community.
As you may be aware, there is huge delay in processing work permit applications by USCIS. While we understand the unfortunate lack of employees in several public agencies due to the current health conditions created by the pandemic environment, our intend with this letter is to get your support to request *a moratorium or extension of minimum a year of all working permits* until the extensive employment vacancies are fulfilled.
Several members of this Venezuelan workforce in the USA would then be able to immediately begin working in vacant roles, while American citizens can jump to work in Federal Agencies with good salaries and incentives, by way of attrition, mitigate the devastating effects of the «Great Resignation of 2021» on the US economy. In addition, such workforce with working permit extensions will expand revenues for government at all levels due to the taxes that will be generated by higher rate of employment. That is the reality!
Several of these employees are currently suspended, in stand-by or terminated by their employers due to this situation, losing their main income or even worse, out of access to health coverage, driving privileges and vehicle loans, in addition to live in a very stressful conditions.
This moratorium or extension alternative is a valid option to prevent a snow ball’s effect due to the fact that more than 320.000 TPS applicants are now in line to obtain their working permit.
Also, as precedent or jurisprudence, The Department of State on June 7, 2019 recognized an extension of Venezuelan passport for five years after the expiration’s date. We believe it can be easier to extend the working permit card.
We, the undersigned 75 organizations, represent around 82 to 85% of the Venezuelan community within USA, from Massachusetts to Louisiana and California to Florida, with thousands of constituents under status of: US Citizens, Permanent Residents, Exceptional Abilities visa holders, Asylum seekers, TPS pending applicants or with non immigrant visas in our rosters and with a range between forty plus to one or two years in USA.
We hope, with all this said, we will obtain your support as well as your commitment to be our advocate upon the proper agencies or public offices. Also, please, address it to other elected officials who can help to solve this very important matter.
With all due respect we are representing all the following organizations:
William J. Diaz Casa de Venezuela-Orlando
Emilio Buitriago Casa de Venezuela Philadelphia
Marcial Marquez Casa de Venezuela Atlanta
Rossana Arteaga Casa de Venezuela Delaware
Johanna Linares Casa de Venezuela Dallas
Vladimiro Mujica Casa Venezuela Arizona
Brenda Stephens Casa Venezolana Emerald Coast
Rohel Tovar Casa de Venezuela Naples
Belkys Polanco Casa de Venezuela Jacksonville
Mayra Sulbaran Casa de Venezuela Washingtong DC
Raquel Alvarez Casa de Venezuela Tennessee
Norma Camero Casa de Venezuela Tampa
Alberto Feo Casa de Venezuela Los Angeles
Jose Rojas Casa de Venezuela South Caroline
Maria A. Bastardo Casa de Venezuela New England
Euclides Morles Casa de Venezuela Columbus-Ohio
Fabiola Gomez Fundacion Casa de Venezuela
Ana Gil Illinois Venezuelan Alliance
Denise Rincon Venezuelan Association of Massachussetts
Leon Granado Venezuelan-USA Foundation
Jose A. Colina VEPPEX
Paciano Padron Venamerica
Patricia Parada VPT- North Caroline
Anselmo Rodriguez VLD- Louisiana
Adelis Ferro VA Caucus
Mary Cruz Avenex Texas
Jaime Navarro Venezolanos en Sanford
Juan Carlos Pinto Venezolanos en Tampa-Original
Carlos Moreno AVA-Utah
Carol Quintero Venezolanos en Kendall
Jose A. Gamboa Jovenex
Fatima De Sousa MIV Business Club
Victor Verdecia Venezolanos Unidos- Palm Beach
Nelly Arguello UB por Venezuela
Edgard J. Amado Juvenex
Oli Castiglia FAPI
Diana Mendt Accion Social Venezuela
Sue Montoya SOS Denver
Jesler Molina Alianza Venezolanos-Utah
Nerlitt Torres Solidaridad Activa- N. Caroline
Ileana Miquilena Foro Penal Orlando
Jose Carbone Venezuela 7 Estrellas
Lilleira Duncan Venezolanos en Jacksonville
Alexis Ortiz Bienvenidos Venezolanos TV
Marjorie Duarte Asociacion Venezolanos en Indiana
Sonia Cosme Asociacion de Venezolanos en Puerto Rico
Carlos Bohorquez Navidad con Corazon-Tampa
Maria G. Perez Pirela Avejax
Norely Lopez B N Sierra
Javier Torres Migrants Foundation
Belkys Garcia Empleo Comunidad Florida
Ivan Diaz Venezolanos en Wisconsin
Fernando Rendon VAEX New York
Josmari Clemente YTA Venezolano
Sam Smith Manzanita House- Spokane
Elizabeth Arnaud Hi Kid Foundation
Giovanni Carrara GC Foundation
Ignacio Carrasquero VP Orlando
Enmanuel Flores IslaDanza Venezuela
Jose Andrade Venezuela Danza y Tambor
Liz Rebeca Alarcon Pulso
Nelson Bustamante Caminos de Esperanza
Belkys Garcia Ayuda entre Latinos
Gloria Mora UPV USA Foundation
Cindy Vivas V-AAT Houston
Ana Viloria Foro Penal Houston
Belen Altuve Fundacion Estrellita de Belen